Zlatara Imperia
About Us
We have been combining Art and Craft since 2000
Our story begins in 2000, when we decided to follow the path of our dreams, and a little later it turned out that at first that path was the only correct one. When they say that love drives everything, we would agree with that, because without love IMPERIA would not exist today in the form it is. From the very beginning, we knew that it would not be easy and that quality is the most important thing, so we never allowed ourselves to provide you with anything less than the best. What gives this jewelry shop and our brand its charm is the commitment of the entire family and the desire for the same goal. This goal of ours would not be achievable without you.
For twenty years, we fought to remain true to ourselves, to justify the trust of our long-term clients, and that is why we decided to afford our product and you a newer, more modern space. Zlatara Miško, under which name our brand existed, is now changing its name to Zlatara Imperia, and rest assured that the quality of our jewelry will not change, it will remain the same as in previous years. What we want is a combination of tradition, quality and innovation. We want to show you that quality comes in a modern package. We are proud that you have been with us for years, that you allow us to be part of your happiest moments. Thank you and we promise that we will not let you down.
Your Imperia Jewelry store
Priča o nama počinje 2000. godine i tada smo odlučili da krenemo putem svojih snova, a nešto kasnije ispostavilo se da je uprvo taj put jedini ispravan. Kada kažu da ljubav sve pokreće, mi bismo se složili sa time, jer bez ljubavi IMPERIA danas ne bi postojala u ovom obliku kakva jeste. Od samog početka znali smo da neće biti lako i da je kvalitet najbitniji, te nikada nismo dozvolili sebi da Vam pružimo nešto manje od najboljeg. Ono što ovoj zlatarskoj radnji i našem brendu daje čar, jeste upravo posvećenost čitave porodice i želja za istim ciljem. Taj naš cilj ne bi bio ostvariv bez Vas.
Vaša zlatara Imperia