Zlatara Imperia
Returns & Replacements
Based on the Law on Consumer Protection ("Official Gazette of RS", no. 62/2014, 6/2016 - other laws and 44/2018 - other laws) Marina Đukanović PR Zlatara Imperia (hereinafter Zlatara Imperia) on 01.06. .2022. brings:
RULES on the manner and procedure of resolving consumer complaints
General conditions
Article 1.
This Rulebook more closely regulates the method and procedure for solving consumer complaints in the event of a shortage of the sold product, via the internet presentation.
Article 2.
Zlatara Imperia sells goods at retail to consumers via the Internet in a way that takes into account the consumer's right to protection, taking care to ensure equal conditions for all consumers on the market.
Article 3.
The consumer has the right to complain in the manner regulated by the provisions of this Rulebook and the Law on Consumer Protection.
Consumer rights and obligations
Article 4.
The consumer must be informed about the scope, conditions and method of product complaints, where and to whom the complaint is submitted, as well as other provisions of the Rulebook and in accordance with the Law on Consumer Protection.
Article 5.
In order to exercise the right to claim, the consumer is obliged to submit any proof of the purchase made via the website www.zlataraimperia.rs (fiscal extract, slip, order number)
Article 6.
The consumer has no right to complain if the product has no defects, if the defects were caused by his fault and if there is no proof that the product was purchased through the website www.zlataraimperia.rs
Article 7.
The consumer has the right to purchase goods on the website www.zlataraimperia.rs, the right to information within the seller's obligation and ability to provide him with information about the type of goods he sells, the basic characteristics of the product according to the declaration for each individual product, the right to complain, especially about the place of receipt and the manner of handling as well as the conditions related to the exercise of consumer rights based on the non-conformity of the goods in the manner regulated by this Rulebook and legal regulations.
Obligations of Zlatara Imperia
Article 8.
Zlatara Imperia is obliged to issue a fiscal invoice with all prescribed elements for the purchase of goods through the website www.zlataraimperia.rs.
Article 9.
Zlatara Imperia respects the provisions of legal regulations related to the protection of health and consumer safety.
Complaint procedure
Article 10.
The consumer can make a complaint by phone, in writing or electronically (via email to the address podrska@zlataraimperia.rs). The consumer can declare a complaint only with the delivery of a fiscal statement, i.e. a receipt for the purchased goods, or other proof of purchase (copy of the receipt, slip, etc.)
Article 11.
Zlatara Imperia is obliged to respond to the consumer's complaint without delay, and at the latest within 8 days from the day of receipt of the complaint in writing or electronically. Zlatara Imperia's response to a consumer complaint must contain a decision on whether to accept the complaint, a statement on the consumer's request and a specific proposal and deadline for resolving the complaint. The deadline for resolving the complaint cannot be longer than 15 days from the day the complaint is submitted.
If, for objective reasons, Zlatara Imperia is unable to comply with the consumer's request within the specified period, it is obliged to inform the consumer of the extension of the deadline for resolving the complaint and specify the deadline by which it will be resolved, as well as to obtain his consent, which he is obliged to record in the records of complaints received. Extension of the deadline for resolving complaints is possible only once.
Article 12.
Upon receipt of a complaint, the authorized person issues a confirmation of receipt of the complaint in 2 copies: 1 copy for the consumer and 1 copy remains in the complaint service of Zlatara Imperia. Zlatara Imperia is obliged to keep records of complaints received and keep them for at least two years from the date of submission of the consumer's complaint. Records of complaints received are kept in electronic form and contain information about the applicant and the date of receipt of the complaint, information about the product (name, article code, price), a brief description of the non-conformity and the request from the complaint, the date of issuance of the confirmation of receipt of the complaint, the decision on the response to the consumer , the date of delivery of that decision, the agreed appropriate deadline for resolution agreed to by the consumer, the manner and date of resolution of the complaint, as well as information on the extension of the deadline for resolution of the complaint.
Article 13.
The consumer, who informed the seller about the non-conformity of the goods, has the right to demand from the seller to remove the non-conformity without compensation, or to terminate the contract, i.e. to request a refund. Any exchange must be made within a reasonable period of time and without significant inconvenience for the consumer, taking into account the nature of the goods and the purpose for which the consumer acquired them. If the elimination of non-conformity in the sense of the previous sentence is not possible or if it represents a disproportionate burden for the trader, the consumer can declare to terminate the contract.
Article 14.
The consumer is obliged to comply with all instructions from the declaration and instructions for use regarding the intended use of the product, its maintenance, etc.
Article 15.
The consumer has no right to complain if the defect in the product was caused by his fault, physical and chemical damage during the use of the product or improper maintenance of the product.
Article 16.
The authorized person enters all data on received complaints, as well as on the method of resolving them, in the Customer Complaints Record Book, which is kept electronically. The authorized person is obliged to receive the complaint and if he is not able to solve it on the spot, he must immediately forward it to the authorized person for complaints of Zlatar Imperia for further management of the procedure and resolution of the complaint. The authorized person for complaints of Zlatara Imperia decides immediately, and no later than within 8 days from the day of receipt of the complaint. The authorized person informs the consumer about the decision on the complaint in writing, by sending a notification by registered mail or by electronic means.
Article 17.
The person authorized to resolve complaints can make a decision:
1. To eliminate the defect in the product with the consent of the buyer
2. To replace the purchased goods with a new or similar one
3. To return the amount paid to the customer according to the fiscal slip
Article 18.
All costs arising from a well-founded complaint are borne by Zlatara Imperia.
If it turns out that the complaint is unfounded, the shipping costs in the case of returning the product are borne by the Buyer.
Powers and Responsibilities
Article 19.
If the seller and the consumer cannot resolve the consumer dispute, the resolution of the dispute is within the jurisdiction of the competent court. If there is a dispute through the competent court or the dispute is initiated based on the report of the competent inspector due to improper and untimely procedure towards the consumer (buyer), the responsible person in the sense of this Rulebook is the authorized person of Zlatara Imperia, depending on the specific circumstances of each individual case.
Other regulations
Article 20.
The authorized person of the Complaint Service is obliged to keep records for each complaint, by all elements for each month.
Article 21.
Resolved complaints, for which a new product has been issued, i.e. an order has been given for the refund of the purchase amount, are submitted with appropriate discharges to Zlatara Imperia.
Transitional and final provisions
Article 22.
The consumer must be informed about the scope, conditions and method of complaining about the goods he bought through the website www.zlataraimperia.rs, as well as where and to whom the complaint can be submitted and other provisions of the Rulebook.
In accordance with the current Law on Consumer Protection ("Official Gazette of RS", no. 62/2014, 6/2016 - other laws and 44/2018 - other laws) we inform you of the following:
The form of the declaration of withdrawal from the contract is submitted to the e-mail address: podrska@zlataraimperia.rs or to the company address: Marina Đukanović PR Zlatara Imperia Belgrade, Đorđa Stanojevića 9b, building "Šeboj" Belville, 11070 Novi Belgrade.
The consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract concluded at a distance, i.e. outside the business premises by means of a withdrawal statement if it is sent to Zlatari Imperia within 14 days, from the day the goods arrived in the country of the consumer, i.e. a third party designated by the consumer, who is not carrier, without giving reasons.
By withdrawing from the contract, the consumer is released from all obligations except for the obligation to pay the costs related to sending the goods that are returned due to the withdrawal from the contract.
The consumer exercises the right to withdraw from the contract by making a statement on a special form for withdrawing from a contract concluded at a distance, i.e. outside the business premises or in another unambiguous way (hereinafter: withdrawal form).
The products must be unused, undamaged and in the original packaging, the original invoice and form - declaration of withdrawal from the contract must be attached. The declaration of withdrawal from the contract takes legal effect from the day it is sent to Zlatari Imperia.
If the consumer exercises the right to withdraw from the contract, it is considered that the contract has not been concluded and obligations from Articles 34 and 35 of this law arise.
Zlatara Imperia is obliged to refund the payments received from the consumer based on the contract for the sale of goods concluded via the website, including the delivery costs, no later than 14 days after receiving the withdrawal form. Zlatara Imperia refunds the payment using the same means that the consumer used. Zlatara Imperia is not obliged to refund additional costs that are a consequence of the consumer's express request for delivery that deviates from the cheapest usual delivery offered by Zlatara Imperia.
Zlatara Imperia may delay the refund until it receives the goods to be returned, or until the customer provides proof of sending the goods to Zlatara Imperia, whichever comes first.
The consumer is obliged to return the goods to Zlatari Imperia, without delay, and no later than within 14 days from the day when he sent the form - Declaration of withdrawal from the contract.
You can download the Declaration of withdrawal form HERE.
Priča o nama počinje 2000. godine i tada smo odlučili da krenemo putem svojih snova, a nešto kasnije ispostavilo se da je uprvo taj put jedini ispravan. Kada kažu da ljubav sve pokreće, mi bismo se složili sa time, jer bez ljubavi IMPERIA danas ne bi postojala u ovom obliku kakva jeste. Od samog početka znali smo da neće biti lako i da je kvalitet najbitniji, te nikada nismo dozvolili sebi da Vam pružimo nešto manje od najboljeg. Ono što ovoj zlatarskoj radnji i našem brendu daje čar, jeste upravo posvećenost čitave porodice i želja za istim ciljem. Taj naš cilj ne bi bio ostvariv bez Vas.
Vaša zlatara Imperia